Monday, May 10, 2010

Necessary Evils

Yesterday was our semi-annual worming-of-the-equines day. Such drama! Such angst!

Something I have yet to figure out: as I follow this path of letting them decide things, not "doing" so much, having no need for a halter or lead rope most of the time, how to manage those times when they must be haltered and must go along with my idea?  Walter always hates to be haltered, period. No exceptions. No variations. Sophia never seems to mind, since she has rarely been asked to "do" anything here. And, I still think she associates halters and ropes and human attention with her inner "princess" and doesn't mind in the least being the receipient of the homage and attention rightly owed her! Even worming, LOL.

Susie is the mare who is really experiencing a change.

She is used to being asked to go and do constantly for humans. She is the most sceptical of my intentions in this new path. She is waiting for me to go back to the old ways, to go back to requiring things of her. I have the sense that, for her, it is just a matter of time before I pick up the metaphorical reins and take charge of her again. But, she has learned (thank goodness!) that she can now have feelings and opinions and express herself without fear of being smacked down. So, predictably, she was the most outspoken critic of the need for Worming Day. She was not happy that I was trying to "mess" with her, nor with the other horses. Tons of adrenaline, lots of NO NO NO, snorting, pawing, you name it. She did not keep her opinion a secret. GOOD SUSIE.

All the equines got their needed medicine. All opinions were expressed and honored. Many cookies were distributed.  It was all good.

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