Friday, April 2, 2010

The Beginning, Again

Love the questions.
That is a bit of wisdom I picked up, somewhere along the way, which applies to nearly every part of being a student of anything. It is what I am trying to do right now on my horsewomanship journey.  I'm so far away from "answers" that I can't even articulate the questions. But, I am loving them.
I've been a Parelli student (Level One graduate) for six years. God bless the Parellis. What they are doing for the welfare of horses is amazing. But, I've been "stuck" for a year or so, not with the Parelli program, but in my own life, with my own horses. More about that in another post, maybe. Suffice to say, it has felt like I'm being led in some unexpected direction, which started with a strange, out-of-the-blue thought a few months ago: "If I follow this path to its logical conclusion, I have to stop riding." That thought just inserted itself into my mind, and now I can't even say what led up to it. I'm not even sure which "path" I was talking about. Hmm.
Then, the universe dumped an amazing book into my life, Empowered Horses by Imke Spilker. She was (is) lightyears beyond my understanding, but it was like hearing someone speak a language that I heard as a very small child. A sense of trueness, rightness, even though I could scarcely translate her words into sensible meaning.
I'd already "met" Carolyn Resnick, and had the same sense of "this is true" and "I have no idea what this means" experience.
With the interconnecting power of the internet, I was able to search here and yonder, and discover there is a whole community trying this new way of being with horses. Like anything "new" there are some conflicts, some judging, some this is right/this is wrong thinking. I am not going there. But I am going to step into this world and see where it takes me.
Only really obsessed, crazy horse people (like me, LOL) will find this remotely interesting. And even that is questionable. But, I do plan to keep this blog as a journal of my experiences, as I let the herd become my teacher.
Back tomorrow with our first steps.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I found your blog through your comment on Lynne's blog, and was amazed to see my blog on your blog list. Thanks, I feel honored, and will certainly be reading through your blog <3
