Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pasture Time

Took my chair, bucket of brushes and treats, and a good book out for 45 minutes of hanging with the herd. Very windy day, so everyone was a little right brained. They all jumped when they saw me, and stood stock still, staring for a few minutes. Susie collected herself first, and went off to graze. Sophie did the same shortly, but Walter had to keep his eye on me most of the time I was out there. They all started quite far away from me, and gradually grazed their way closer. Susie was in a what's-in-it-for-me frame of mind, and never found a need to really come and say hello. Sophia did eventually come all the way to me, and stretched her loooonnnngggg neck out, until she could sniff my toe. Was happy to greet the toe, but had to snort and jump when the hand was extended. Before I left, I did stand up and take each one a cookie, just to give them something to think about.
Later, at dinner time, Susie got ear scratches which she loved, and needed. Already little scabs in her ears, and already flies on the horses' faces. Hate them flies!
I am so interested that I--accompanied by chair and book--create some totally new dynamic in the pasture, and am quite intimidating to approach. Even Susie gave a bit of a start the one time she got close to me.


  1. Hi, Hilary - so glad you're blogging your journey. I know how you feel. I discovered Spilker last summer, and I'm in the same boat as you, trying to figure out: What do we do together, the horses and me?

    I'll look forward to keeping up with what you and your horses are up to.

    I love donkeys!

  2. Hi Hilary,

    I found you through Stormy May's blog. It looks like your journey might mirror in some ways the one I am surprising myself with. I too have done some Parelli, and others, and read Imke Spilker's book a few months ago.

    I look forward to reading about your journey.

