Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lessons Learned

In spite of many prohibitions about letting your horses rub on you, I have always used the daily removal of the fly mask as an opportunity for excellent face rubs.  The mesh makes a fabulous scratching tool.  I take off the mask, and hold it against my chest, and Susie just buries her face against me and rubs and rubs. It is VERY good, she says.

Sophia joined our herd last year, so the ritual of the fly mask face rubs was completely new to her. I introduced it by just rubbing her face with it, while she stood and thought about it.  Humans have not offered her many nice things, so this was a surprise.  After about a month, she began very gingerly to rub her face--little tiny gentle rubs. By summer's end, she fully understood the game and would enjoy big sweeping rubs, still quite polite.

When we got the fly masks out last week, I didn't know what Sophia would remember. But, smart girl, she was immediately asking for face rubs, even more enthusiastically than last year. She clearly learned that fly masks are for scratches. Good girl!

Two nights ago, I went out to the pasture with my chair and book, and basket of brushes and cookies. After some time just sharing territory, I took cookies over to Susie, and suggested we play "Cookie tag" at liberty. What a great idea, she said! We walked, trotted, backed up, had great fun.

So, last evening I went out as usual, settled into my chair, and within a couple minutes Susie noticed me. She came CANTERING over to greet me....."Cookie tag?? Hmmm?"

Old habits die hard, the first thing I thought was, "No, don't want to get this started" and second, "Don't want her coming over just for a treat."  Well, DUH. What exactly do I think will cause her to come to me, other than something she values and thinks is fun?

Guess I am no different than the horses when it comes to learning, it takes a few times for me to "get it" just like Sophia and the fly mask.  Susie is a quick study, I'll have to be on my toes to keep up with her. 

Tonight?  Cookie tag for sure!

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