Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Regarding the Last Post

I just realized that there may some people who follow this blog occasionally, who do not know who A. Nazorov is.  You can visit his web site at http://www.hauteecole.ru/en/alexander_nevzorov.php . I think I failed to make it clear that I disagree with his statement in the quote.

Further, the juxtaposition between the grace and respect shown to the natural horse in the Journal of Ravenseyrie and the disrepect for the "primitive" horse shown in his quote was quite interesting to me. Obviously, two very different views of the horse in her natural setting.

In spite of the many good things I've been reading about the Nazorov Haute Ecole, this statement has made me doubt Mr. Nazorov for guidance or wisdom about the horse. There may be some problems with translation, but the general sentiment is a problem to me.

I continue to wish the very best for those on the NHE path, I'm sure there is much that is good and useful there.  For me, I'll get back to my journey with my horses as my teachers and be back with something about that in the next post.

Here is a nice scene for a drowsy afternoon! Our dog, Molly the Queen of Naps:


  1. Well Hilary, I have been aware of Nevzerov for some time and, while I appreciate what he is saying about causing the horse pain, I was always put off by the photographs of him interacting with horses on his website: impressive indeed but not for me. While with this quote I am sure there are nuances lost in the translation what is expressed is still quite extraordinary. Give me Imke Spilker any time.

  2. poniesathome, thanks for the comment. I am with you 100%.
