Monday, April 26, 2010

Horsekeeping, Latin, and Other Oddities

"Besides the rebuilding of the horse’s entire musculature, herd living makes a horse very primitive and stupid, and returns the horse to the world of primitive ideas and manners." A. Nazarov

I read the quote above shortly after reading the wonderful post today at (Journal of Ravenseyrie).  I will personally always come down on the side of the natural nature of the horse, and the innate perfection of that nature. We humans have many creative ways to manipulate nature, from breeding toy poodles to shaping shrubs into topiary to building dams and leevees.  The outcomes vary. We are responsible for the results of our creative adventures with nature. When we domesticate animals, we must provide for them. We must take the needs and desires of the specific animal into account. BUT, each creature has some innate tendencies, that we may stifle but will always be there. Allowing a horse to live in a group of other horses is a kind of regression? Only if we have "plans" for that horse beyond anything nature imagined.

I find that to be a very, very odd quote indeed.

On the topic of horsekeeping, again it comes back to the needs of each horse, which can only be revealed by time, understanding, and relationship.

On the topic of teaching horses Latin....??? I missed this in my first visits to NHE. This is beyond my own comfort level.

For anyone interested in the nature of animals and our relationship with them from a different perspective, I would recommend highly all the books by Temple Grandin. Her academic study and her special experience of reality as an autistic adult bring an amazing clarity to her writing.

Had a lovely nature walk a few days past, here are some scenes of the farm welcoming Spring.

Blessings on your journeys and on the horses who teach us and travel with us.


  1. Hilary- I do not understand the use of the word "stupid" in that quote. I think stopping at primitive would be clear and concise. When the word stupid appears I stop believeing that the person really knows what they are talking about. Isn't there a better way to describe it?!

    On another note I must read Temple Grandin. I have been intrigued for a while.

  2. I had a look on Monday at the blog the quote came from and I have to say that I just didnt "get" any of it. Please dont take this personally, I am very excited to be a spectator on your journey, I just wanted to add my 2c. xx
