Sunday, April 4, 2010

Rainy Day

Cold, windy, and rainy today. Shut the horses in the barn, as it was raining into their stalls; as long as they had hay, they didn't seem to mind. Did get the outside water tank cleaned and refilled, and new straw bag in place to keep it clean. I also went to Rural King and bought a better folding chair to be the official sitting-in-the-pasture chair. Since it was too wet for outside play, I spent some time organizing a big flexible bucket to be my bag-of-tricks for playing at liberty: brushes, curry combs, horse cookies, fly spray.  I'll add halters, a book for me, hat, etc. as the weather and games change.
We had a brief play time in the barn after feeding. Carrots for everyone! Sophia has become much more outgoing and confident in taking treats from me. She also seems to be more interested in me in general, since I spent a long time helping her shed her winter fur this past week:-) Walter ate his carrot and then stood as close to me as possible, asking for a hug and neck scratch.  Susie loved her carrot, but when it was gone, she acted a bit put out, turned her butt to me.  (A little jealous of the attention Sophia has been getting?) In spite of turning away from me, her ears were completely focused on interesting...which I took as an invitation to do SOMETHING.  Rather than moving my own feet, or asking her to move, I gave her a huge butt and tail scratching session, and she signaled her appreciation by lifting her tail quite high. When it felt like the right time to stop, I gave her a little sideways look, and she did the same.
This way of being with horses must look like doing nothing, like so little is happening. I have a feeling I am going to learn SO much.

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